The Bilingual Education System
Our aim is to ensure children learn English at a very early age. At the age of six or seven, children are courious, talkative and motivated to learn. These characteristics are essential as the children will be acquiring knowledge through interactive play. The teachers provide a fun and energetic foundation for the children to learn and grow in their language development. Common meathods teachers use to encourage speech in the target language included (but are not limited to) rythmn, music, dancing and manual works. In the first and second grades, the main task is speech and vocabulary developing. Our hope for the senior section is that each student will develop the skills necessary to perform at the intermediate level in the target language. We encourage our students to work diligently so that our goals may be realized.
We offer several programmes to our pupils such as drama classes, English competitions, bilingual class events (Harvest festival, Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day), trips into English-speaking countries, programmes with other bilingual schools and other events to assist our students' development.
To take part in the bilingual class, parents are required to complete an application form which is available at our school. Applications are accepted not only from Velence, but also from other towns and villages. The application form must be sent to the school by 28 February 2014. At that time a date will be given for the child to take an ability test. The test is designed to measure the child in serveral areas: vocabulary, expressiveness, memory, logical mind and persistence. The test is administered in Hungarian and measures, not what the child knows, but rather what the child is capable of learning.
Ability test (areas of measurement):
spatial positions and relations
movement and rythmn
word recognition
general knowledge
vocabulary and expression
empirical deductions
observation/cognition of speech